I'm surprised I didn't write about this event sooner. It's a major turning point in the household, and deserves to be recorded. A lot of my feelings about it have faded, since I'm not going to stay mad and I would rather enter into the healing process. But these events definitely need to be recorded for the sake of being able to look back on them and have a frame of reference for events.
A few days ago, the oldest housemate and I were talking about a space downstairs that he wanted to use as a lobby area. He did admit that he wanted to set up like that but no one has ever used it. We were talking about a little bit, and I was leaning more towards not making into a lobby area, but then his girlfriend jumps in and starts yelling. When I inquired on my she was suddenly acting like that, she went off on a tangent about how she didn't want people to hear her in her "private moments" with him and I was offended by that. I really take it is maybe she thinks we're perverted and would want to hear them having sex, or we're too stupid to realize that something private is going on and move ourselves. No matter what she was really thinking, that's how I take it. And I was also very offended and felt disrespected that she just jumped into our conversation started yelling and imposing her trauma into our space.
She left and came back, acting like it was over, but me being the antagonist and I am reinitiated the situation and upset her even more. When we split up and I talked to her boyfriend separately, he advised that I don't need to bring the subject up anymore. And I told him that she's projecting that she thinks low of us, and she's really being an inappropriate upper-class Pig. She was also being very rude and interrupting us and yelling. She was seriously acting like a child, even though she's in her late 60s.
After that, I made it clear that I didn't want to talk to her because of her behavior and her boyfriend didn't like that and kept trying to go back and forth with me. That honestly just made me more angry because I felt like my space was being disrespected, after I made it clear that I was not interested in talking to her, or either of them if they were going to become a toxic hive mind to reinforce each other's negative and insufferable behavior.
After 2 years, that'll fool you can have the nerve to tell me that maybe I'm not a good fit for the house anymore since I called his girlfriend toxic. And that was very toxic of him, so they can both have their Cesspool in the basement, as far as I'm concerned.
the boyfriend is so petty that he has decided that he will not be performing a house maintenance, which has caused me to find a new maintenance person. Of course, I am looking for a person of color, optionally queer, to replace him! I have no qualms with putting money in another (queer) POC's pocket!
After telling him that he's being replaced and that I've informed the landlord, he tried to discourage me in doing so after I'd already done it. He said that complaining to the landlord directly threatened the cost of rent, and no such thing happened. The people that own this property clearly aren't as short-tempered and barbaric as he thinks they are. it is that was a concern, he should have known better than to refuse a work order being more aware of the consequences than I am. A part of me thinks that he expected me to beg him to fulfill the work order, when I've shown time and time again that I am very easy and quick to replace people. Some might even say "eager" to replace people.
This is all very strange to me that he suddenly acting this way over a woman. I don't know what kind of opioids she has in her vaginal mucus, but that boy has gone full-tilt bat-shit. I can hardly believe I had to replace the maintenance man, but I honestly love managing people, so it's a whole new challenge for me! Let's see what turns up!