If you don't know what pay day loans are, it's exactly what they it sounds like. You can go into a place that will loan you money if you have proof of employment in your last pay stub and they will forward you money to pay them back when you get paid. Unfortunately, America is a country that profits off of debt so Payday Loan places are a dime a dozen. Where is some places are trying to make them illegal or at least limit them, there are too many states and cities that are trying to have an abundance of them.
Payday Loan places are very predatory, and are usually aimed at the impoverished community. Instead of teaching people how to budget and manage their finances, it's more profitable to have the interest in the payday loans paid instead.
I know that not every place has these. And there are probably a lot of places that have had these that have made them illegal, or extremely limited. America needs to stop profiting off of debt, and completely eradicated payday loan systems. And student that, but that's a different story for a different time.
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