This June didn't really feel like pride month, but I feel like I'm very over it with white queers, and that had a lot to do with it. I also feel like the city wasn't as festive with their pride garb and paraphernalia, this year. this weekend is quiet though, because a lot of people went to New York City for the Stonewall 50th anniversary celebration.
and that's only got caught up in an avalanche of debt. My main bank account closed, I got turned over to collections by my side bank account. My new main bank account logged me out, because the funds from my side account didn't transfer over because of an order that was supposed to be canceled. It's really been one bad luck thing after another, with money. And it's all because of these institutions. I would have been better off if I just paid cash for everything that I did.
every step to my friends to send positive energy my way to get the money Gremlins off me, and I'm going to look up rituals and spells myself. as terrible as this all is, I'm trying not to stress out about it because there's nothing I can do without any income. I'm looking for a job, but I would rather start in August or September, and make content all summer and do what I can for my own business while I have time.
I'm also tired of all this rigmarole and bouncing between jobs. As much as I wanted to hang out here until the 2020 presidential election, this is more into my doubts of whether or not I'm going to make it. this experience has been very unnecessarily difficult, but has somehow balanced out to being incredibly easy and other things, that distort my view on how much it's worth it. and I have a roof over my head and food in my stomach, which I'm very thankful for. But my financial situation is too fragile and falls apart at any slight push, and it's be shady, manipulating employers that make it that way. I got to figure out a way to get out and stay out of this rat race.